Well, I am going to post some photos of pillows I made for two giveaways, and another pillow which I made for a dear friend, Janice Moore-Petty of Cheeky Rose Boutique Blogspot. Janice is a fabulous doll maker and has her own truly marvelous paper mache recipe she uses to create her Queen Anne style dolls. I will put her link on my sidebar so you can access her blog.
This pillow was won by Palomasea Blogspot and was the giveaway for my participation in Anita of Castles, Crowns, and Cottages Blogspot Paris Party. It is an embellished handmade pillow handmade by me, and has lots of vintage lace, vintage buttons, a printed fabric Marie Antoinette inkjet 'photo' with a rich fabric for the pillow cover. | |
Here is a close up of some of the details on the Paris Party Pillow Giveaway. |
Here is the top of the Alice In Wonderland Pillow for the Mad Tea Party hosted by 'A Fanciful Twist' back in July of this year. It is embellished with vintage crocheted lace, appliqued smaller Alice in Wonderland characters placed around the edges of the pillow, and a vintage photo print of the Mad Tea Party. The fabric is vintage and has tea pots and saucers and flowers. The pink crocheted tea pot in the fore ground was crocheted by me a few years ago and added just the right touch for the tea party pillow. Silly me...I forgot to take any photos of the completed pillow.! But this gives you an idea of what it looked like. When I completed the pillow the back side had a French stripe fabric and was embellished with a vintage doily in the middle of the pillow surrounded by more smaller appliqued Alice in Wonderland characters. Dog's Mom Blogspot was thrilled to win this pillow in my giveaway. |
Here is a close up of the smaller characters which surrounded the main Alice Mad Tea Party scene. I was not quite finished with the embellishments in this photo. I so enjoyed making this pillow. |
The whimsical Cheshire Cat graced the top of the pillow. |
This is the left side of the pillow with the White Rabbit and Red King appliques. |
And I must tell you, I had the most delightful time finding the printed Alice's Tea Party image, and also the Alice in Wonderland fabric which I snipped out the smaller Alice characters from. I found these lovely items from Connie Hindmarsh of www.hindmarashstudios.net in her sweet Etsy shop: Bears, Hares, and Folk Art Dolls.
And I found by further communication with Connie that she was the original Romper Room teacher on televison, back in the day! What a sweetie she is!
I found the Marie Antionette printed inkjet embellishments in Etsy too from Sherifairy's Etsy site.
This is the French Style pillow I made for my sweet friend Janice who has one of the most generous spirits. |
This is the skirt with French Style fabric and vintage braid on the side, with vintage buttons and a bow at the waist. This isn't the best photo but it does show the details. |
This is a close up of the pillow showing the vintage soft chiffon fabric roses, the vintage crocheted lace, and vintage heart button at Marie's bosom, and the tiny blue rose on her 'hat'.
It was a joy to make these pillows for my blogging friends!
posted by Teresa